Oct 13, 2023Liked by Matt Ruby

Peace back at ya. And everyone else.

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Superbly put, and on point. I’ve always enjoyed your posts, Matt, but this one is really special. That anyone would try to justify or rationalize this level of barbarity is simply astonishing.

At least the silver lining is that, like the right did at Charlottesville, the left has now shown its true antisemitic colors for the world to see. And that there has been backlash—in a better world, it wouldn’t have taken beheaded babies to finally generate some pushback... but alas we’re stuck in this one, so we take what we can, I suppose.

And yes, people seem to have forgotten that more than one thing can be true at a time. Even first graders understand that! Sigh.

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Brave speech. Free speech. -- all around.

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