dear matt,

i love this: "As long as the whole β€œweird” thing is working, let’s have Kamala go full Mulaney and start calling Trump a horse in the hospital."

thanks for sharing as always!



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As someone who always took weird ass a compliment I have had cognitive dissonance over how weird Republicans have become.

The fact that they don't care that he's a pedophile is weird to me.

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Not weird…

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I’ll still take β€˜em over Q freaks. Also: None of these people are in charge of anything or have any power in the Democratic party. On the other hand: Trump, JD, Stephen Miller, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, etc…

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I don't agree

At all

I think the Democrats in power are much weirder and much more dangerous

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Which Dem with actual power is weirder than Stephen Miller? Enlighten me!

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What's weird about him?

Enlighten me

He's an advisor right?

Advisor doesn't seem very powerful to me.

What's weirder about anyone u mentioned than their Democratic counterparts?

I think Biden is very, very weird.

Kamala Harris is very weird

Pelosi weird

Schumer weird

AOC extremely weird

The rest of the "Squad" also very weird.

Bernie Sanders extremely weird

Elizabeth Warren very weird

Bowman extremely weird

The 2 guys in dresses. Don't remember their names or what they do, but they're not Republicans or appointed by Republicans are extremely weird (They have the right to wear whatever they choose and shouldn't be discriminated against for that. I get the sense they were picked because of that, but that's beside the point. The point is it's very atypical which makes.......very, very weird)

The Democrats, in general, are in favor of men that "identity" as women competing in women's sports, using women's restrooms and locker rooms, and being placed in women's prisons (including rapists).........Extraordinarily weird

They're also against voter ID, yet claim that election integrity is extremely important.......very weird

They claim to be defenders of democracy yet seem to be in favor of censorship of dissent.....very weird

They say that Trump is a tyrannical dictator, a threat to our Democracy, a threat to our country. A modern day Adolf Hitler.

At the same time they say that there's no place for political violence in America........weird

They appointed Kamala Harris as the "Border Czar"

The situation became abysmal.

Now, they're trying to claim she wasn't the Border Czar bc that's not an official title.......weird

They hid Biden's cognitive decline from the country until it became glaringly obvious to even the least observant among us (1-2 weeks prior to the debate debacle they were calling videos of him looking confused and lost "cheap fakes").........Unbelievably weird

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